Tuesday, January 1, 2008

All the Fours for 2008

Yes, Tired of Lies is still alive and well, albeit not necessarily sane having stayed away far tooooooooo long just to see the hands on the clock roll over into a new day, a new month, and a new year -- So, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008!

One of my readers has posted a blog on all the fours which he copied from elsewhere. I am posting this with a thanks to both Eskypades and Escalera Photography for some insight. Hope you enjoy mine!

1. Four jobs you’ve had in your life: Funeral Home Service Provider, Maitre de, UPS truck loader, & Chaplain.
2. Four movies you could (and do) watch over and over: Amazing Grace, The Hunt for Red October, Dances With Wolves, Ratatouille.
3. Four places you’ve lived: Nardvik, Iceland; Key West, Florida; Aberdeen, South Dakota; and Wichita, Kansas.
4. Four fiction books you can’t live without: Safely Home (Randy Alcorn); Lord Foulgrin's Letters (Randy Alcorn); The Fourth Reich (Van Kampen); Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan).
5. Four non-fiction books you consider essential: The Bible; Disciplines of a Godly Man; Lords of the Earth (Don Richardson); and Eternity in Their Hearts (Don Richardson).
6. Four TV channels you love to watch: The Travel Channel, Discovery, The Learning Channel, National Geographic.
7. Four places you’ve been on vacation: Ireland; British Columbia, Canada; Liberia, West Africa; Bolzano, Italy.
8. Four websites you visit daily: BBC News, Fox News, RealtyTrac, and Wikipedia.
9. Four of your favorite foods: Lamb, Steak, Gnocchi, and Chocolate!
10. Four places you’d rather be: South Island, New Zealand; Nuuk, Greenland; Patagonia, Argentina; Liberia, West Africa!
11. Four albums you can’t live without: Andre Rieu, Rachmaninoff, Lang Lang, and John Tesh. (Sorry, can't pick any particular album as I like them all!)

Enjoy and check back again as I should have links established for all my likes!

Tired of Lies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back on all fours...

pud intended! :-)