Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Sovereignty of God

There are many in the world of Christendom who either hold firmly to the doctrine known as "The Sovereignty of God" or they hold to the doctrine that states "God is not in full control of the universe which He created."

I would encourage you to watch this almost 8 minute video on YouTube. It is the personal testimony of a man who know what it means to live life in a way that most of the world would consider to be worthless. Some would even question the mental capabilities of his parents in even considering allowing him to be born. Abortion would have been an option for many people.

This is a man who does NOT live in some ivory tower as some ministers of the Bible do. He lives and exudes the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ in his life and in his personal outreach to others.

Testimony of Johnny Farese

I hope you are touched by what you see. For those who are skeptical, consider this question -- Based on the infinitesimal amount of ALL the knowledge that is to be gained in the entire world, what if in the balance of what you do NOT know, you have missed the most important truths that will ever be known by mankind? The truth is spoken most convincingly by a man who rightly places his hands in the Sovereign care of His Creator and Redeemer.

The world will tell you that such people do not exist, but they do. The world will tell you we are better off without those who are imperfect in body, soul, or mind. The world will tell you many things which are untrue all for the sake of trying to appease a conscience which is fully and totally guilty before a righteous and holy God - the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tired of Lies

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